Paintings by Kishore Pratim Biswas Offer the True Magnificence
As a fascinating process, the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly is a major draw for these beautiful winged animals. Their metamorphosis might be seen as a symbol of rebirth, but the full depth of their spiritual significance varies greatly depending on the individual. Famous artist Kishore Pratim Biswas uses butterflies as symbols of independence, creating paintings that are both beautiful and dynamic. Biswas drew parallels
between the colorful butterflies and women’s bodies, characterizing both as innocent and beautiful while undergoing continuous transformation.

The metamorphosis of a butterfly is a metaphor for the way we may shed our old selves and grow and evolve by looking inside. The butterfly and the deeper spiritual implications it signifies have captured the imaginations of people from all walks of life, from the ancient Celts to the indigenous Native Americans. Their core characteristics have obvious parallels to the idea of femininity.

Mr. Biswas produces butterflies of all sizes and forms using a broad palette of vibrant colours. He deviates from the norm, giving birth to an expressionist point of view. They’re mentally making the leap to the flawless female figure painted next to them or in the scene’s backdrop. God’s creation of the butterfly is an appropriate metaphor for the virginity and beauty of a woman’s body. In its place, you’ll find an unvarnished and unpretentious celebration of the creative grandeur contained in each of these works of art. Almost abstract, the paintings yet manage to surprise viewers. They provide depth without exposing its essential form. These paintings seem modern because of the prominent use of triangular shapes in the compositions.