On the Headlines

Kishore Pratim Biswas’s art covered by Indian newspapers

Absolute India

This a article on Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives in Absolute India. Which was a solo show by Kishore Pratim Biswas at Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery, Mumbai, Sep’ 2014

The Asian Age

This a article on Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives in The Asian Age. Which was a solo show by Kishore Pratim Biswas at Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery, Mumbai, Sep’ 2014

The Time Of India

A article on Nostalgia in Bombay Times.
Which was a solo show by Kishore Pratim Biswas at Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai, April’ 2018

The Afternoon

This a article on Nostalgia in The Afternoon. Which was a solo show by Kishore Pratim Biswas at Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai, April’ 2018

The Asian Age

This a article on Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives in The Asian Age. Which was a solo show by Kishore Pratim Biswas at Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery, Mumbai, April’ 2018

DNA India

This a article on Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives in DNA. Which was a solo show by Kishore Pratim Biswas at Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery,
Mumbai, Sep’ 2014

THE Free Press Journal

This a article on Nostalgia in The Free Press Journal. Which was a solo show by Kishore Pratim Biswas at Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery,
Mumbai, Sep’ 2014

Colour Canvas

This a article on Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives in Colour Canvas. Which was a solo show by Kishore Pratim Biswas at Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery, Mumbai, April’ 2018

Mumbai Headline

This a article on Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives in Mumbai HeadLine. Which was a solo show by Kishore Pratim Biswas at Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery, Mumbai, Sep’ 2014

Online Media And News Coverage

about Kishore Pratim Biswas and his Paintings

“Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives” a successful series of painting by Kishore Pratim Biswas, who is one of the upcoming contemporary artist in India…” A small article published in mid-day

Kishore Pratim Biswas is working on the series of “Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives last 25 years.

“It’s a YOUR and MY Nostalgia… Please be with it… Kishore Pratim Biswas” A small article published in Hindustan Times

Indian contemporary Artist Kishore Pratim Biswas represent the series of “NOSTALGIA OF INDIAN STEAM LOCOMOTIVES”…

“Nostalgia of Indian Steam Locomotives a series of paintings by Kishore Pratim Biswas” A small article published in The Hindu

Whether it’s about showcasing Indian railways of the early 70’s or celebrating the Indian Steam Locomotives…

“In spite of all the years that have passed, the nostalgia still lingers on. Have a look at these incredible sketches to understand his bond with locomotives.” A small article published in
The Better India

Kishore Pratim Biswas used to live near a locomotive workshop in Kolkata when he was a child.

“In love with the Steam Engine” A small article published in Asian Age

He is in love with the Steam Engine. Having grown up in an area close to the locomotive workshop, Kishore Pratim Biswas, the 42 year old Kolkatta born artist was in awe of the fogging giants right from his childhood.

“The journey of locomotives” A small article published in Deccan Herald

It was when five-year-old Kishore Pratim Biswas used to visit his uncle who drove and managed steam locomotives, that he fell in love with them.

How the Paintings of Steam Trains Is Becoming a Milestone in Indian Art?

The Nostalgia of Steam Locomotives series is a visually captivating and artistically exceptional presentation. This series centres around steam locomotive workshops and the people who worked there, providing a captivating portrayal of the past. Kishore Pratim has skilfully captured the essence of an artistic blend in his works in paintings of steam trains, which he aptly describes as “freezing a shot from the past while simultaneously creating a newer creative vision.” This blend seamlessly combines the art of capturing a moment in time through photography with the creation of a fresh and innovative vision. His works truly showcase the extensive expertise he has acquired over the years, as well as the remarkable artistic brilliance he possesses in every aspect.

After completing art school, the artist is immediately thrust into a period of self-discovery, enquiry, and significant responsibility. According to Kishore Pratim, there is a continuous conversation between the artist and the finished piece of art throughout every stage of the creative process. When the connection is made, inspiration may strike, instantly transporting the observer to a new realm of romance.

Kishore Pratim vividly remembers the locomotive workshops where he spent his youth working. He recalls the individuals who diligently worked at the locomotive facility, tending to the engines by watering them while they were still hot and performing various maintenance tasks. When discussing the history of the rail industry in India, these times are often considered to be golden.

The art show was attended by renowned painters, including Sri Samir Mondal, among others. It is not surprising that Mr. Mondal, also known as “the watercolour man,” is a renowned figure in the world of painting, much like Mr. Biswas. Mr. Mondal, aged 71, has gained significant recognition for his artistic talent.