In the kaleidoscope of creation, artists stand out, painting the canvas of their lives with of passion and imagination. Join us as we delve into the world of eminent painter Philip D Hawkins , a visionary painter whose work transcends boundaries and invites viewers into a realm where colors and emotions resonate.
Many art enthusiasts believe that the more academic study of painting movements like surrealism and post-impressionism is the best place for these styles to remain. There are more important details to consider than the tender’s aesthetics, such as the livery color, logo size, and wheel shape.
It doesn’t matter how little a mistake would seem to someone who isn’t invested in the subject matter; if it’s badly executed, the whole painting might as well not exist.

Truth be told, some railway painters are their own worst enemies, showing off dreadful perspective errors, wheels that don’t seem to move on rails, smoke that looks like cotton wool, ballooning carriages, and numberplates that take up half the smokebox. As is characteristic of engines of this kind, the cylinders of the ones shown by such painters tend to leak. Why? Because the billowing steam effectively obscures the dreadful complexity underneath!
Known mostly for his modern pieces, Kishore Pratim is a renowned Indian artist. His artwork has been shown in exhibitions at prestigious venues throughout the globe. He has been working as a contemporary artist for over 35 years, and his subjects are unique. Due to his out-of-the-ordinary thought processes, he has produced a vast body of work in both acrylic and oil.

Kishore is now one of India’s most celebrated living artists. His oil, watercolor, and acrylic paintings have been included in dozens of exhibitions around India. Steam locomotives, women’s bodies, and the allure of women are just a few of the many themes he delves into.
If you’re looking to make a statement, you may do it by purchasing one of the Indian paintings Kishore is now offering. People from all around the world who are interested in international art may buy Indian art online with no additional shipping costs. If you’re interested in making a purchase or learning more about what we provide, please contact us.

Kishore was inspired by a wide variety of artists who also painted steam trains. One such inspiration may be found in the work of Philip D Hawkins.
Despite this, Philip’s art had an irresistible draw, and in 1978, the decision was taken to look into the viability of Philip making a living as a painter. As a little boy in Winson Green, Birmingham, he was fascinated by the constant stream of trains that passed up the embankment that took up much of his backyard. Given that his passion in trains had persisted throughout his life, it was logical for him to focus on that industry. This was the “Soho Loop Line,” and it had been operated by the LNWR and the LMS at various times. However, in the 1950s, it became under the control of British Railways London, Midland Region, and it presented spectacular sights such as “Royal Scots” and “Patriots,” as well as a regular diet of “Jubilees” and “Black 5’s,” along with a large variety of less powerful locomotives. Not only that but just down the road was the Western Region main line from Birmingham Snow Hill to Wolverhampton, where one might see “Kings,” “Castles,” “Counties,” “Halls,” and “Granges” engines, together with just about every other kind of Western engine, hauling a wide range of freight. His works have nurtured the artistic hunger of Kishore Pratim Biswas, making him a master in steam locomotive paintings.